正规彩票十大网站排名充满信仰的社区是由学生组成的, 对学习和成长充满热情的教职员工, 课堂内外都有.


我们知道你可能对在线课程有很多问题. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about SWU online programs.

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根据 劳工统计局, college graduates earn roughly 65 percent more than high school graduates on average. 在整个职业生涯中,这一数字将高出近100万美元! Those with Master’s degrees earn an average income of 107 percent more than high school graduates.

Is an online format comparable to the traditional residential, on-campus format of classes?

是也不是. While the learning outcomes 和 course content for online 和 in-person classes are the same, 你学习的时间表和形式是不同的. There are no required meeting times with online classes, 和 you get to learn at your own pace. 由于这些因素, you can earn a degree from SWU no matter how far away from our campus you are. 在线 learning does require a higher level of discipline 和 self-motivation to see success. Most online courses last seven weeks 和 can be taken year-round in three semesters (fall, 春天, 和夏天).


在线 classes allow you to complete your coursework on your own time. Whether in between your work day or after spending time with your family, 在线学习的自定节奏结构让你掌握一切. 看看这个视频 想要了解更多关于在线学习的建议,请浏览 Canvas, our learning management system, for a closer look at one of our courses. 


Degree completion time greatly depends on the chosen program 和 the amount of transfer credit you may have. 十大正规网赌网址欢迎您招生工作人员 了解更多.


搬迁不成问题. 你唯一需要的就是一个安全的网络连接, 无论你在哪里,你都可以继续你的课程. SWU, 就像美国的大多数州一样, is also member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), so you should be able to complete your online degree uninterrupted if you relocate.


为了参加在线课程, 你必须在一周内完成至少一项作业. 为了在课程中取得成功, we recommend that you access the course every day to check for new announcements, 讨论的帖子, 截止日期. 大部分工作都可以按照你自己的时间表完成, but there may be some specific times scheduled for meeting online with your instructor 和 classmates.


请参阅我们的完整列表 在线学位课程和课程.


书籍和其他课程材料可以通过我们的网站购买 网上书店. You can choose to buy new or used, rent a hard copy or even purchase an e-book. 你不需要使用我们的网上书店, 但我们发现价格与其他来源相当.

我已经好几年没上学了. 我真的能做到吗?

Many of our students have been out of school for ten, twenty, even thirty years. 我们学生的年龄从二十出头到六十多岁不等, 和 while most will quietly admit that they are nervous about coming back to school, 你会惊讶于有多少人对此更开放.

我们是来告诉你,紧张是可以的. 事实上,你应该感到紧张. 回到学校是一个重大的决定. Gather your support system 和 write down the reasons you want to do this. 然后, 一两年之后,当你快要筋疲力尽的时候, 回头看看那些让你坚持下去的原因. 要做到这一点,你必须牺牲自己的生命, 但是不要让紧张阻止你进入你的梦想. 记住:我们是来支持你们的!


Because most company-issued computers don’t allow for software 和 hardware changes, 我们建议你的个人电脑配备以下设备 最低系统建议.




我们的 在线申请 过程很简单,只需要大约15分钟. 一旦你提交了申请, your personal admissions coordinator will contact you 和 help you through the admissions process as well as enrollment in your first classes. 如果您更愿意通过电话开始,请拨打(877)644-5557.

What are the admissions requirements for 正规彩票十大网站排名?

每个项目的入学要求各不相同. 请浏览 学术目录 针对您想要的课程的具体要求.

Does 正规彩票十大网站排名 undergraduate program accept transfer credit?

是的, we accept transfer credits from other regionally accredited institutions 和 a limited number of other institutions with which we have cooperative agreements. 我们完整的转让政策可以在我们的 学术目录.





每学时收费视课程而定. 检查我们的 学费和费用 网页上的信息,目前的学费和费用.


有很多方法可以为你的教育提供资金. 了解更多关于我们如何 经济援助计划 能帮你追求梦想吗.


南卫斯理的FAFSA学校代码是003422. 了解更多关于FAFSA.


有关经济援助的问题应该直接问你的学校 经济援助顾问.


如对您的帐单有任何疑问,请与您的 学生客户代表.


If your student account has an excess of funds after paying your bill, you may request a refund check by contacting Student Accounts at 864-644-5520 during business hours (8 AM – 4:30 PM, 星期一至星期五).

If you have an excess of funds in your student account, you do not have to receive a refund check. Consider returning the excess funds to your lender to help pay down debt or keep them on your student account for future expenses. Remember, you’ll be paying interest on those loan funds—you might as well spend them wisely.




A dependable computer with stable internet access is imperative to your success in an online degree program. 查看我们的 电脑的建议最低系统要求 以了解更多有关您的技术需求.


Canvas, 我们的在线学习管理系统, 你将在哪里访问你的课程, 与老师和同学互动, 完成作业. 您可以通过登录来访问Canvas my.softlawinternationale.net 然后点击“画布-查看我的课程”快速链接.


如果您在课程中遇到Canvas问题, we recommend that you first reach out to fellow course mates 和/or your instructor to see if they may be able to quickly answer your questions. 作为第二步, you can click the Help icon in Canvas from the global navigation menu, where you can search for answers in the Canvas Guides or submit an incident report that will be routed to the appropriate help representative. 您也可以通过拨打864-644-5050联系帮助台寻求支持.


Courses are usually accessible one to two weeks before the course start date.



正规彩票十大网站排名成立多久了? 它是经过认证的吗??

Southern Wesleyan University was originally established in 1906 as the Wesleyan Methodist Bible Institute whose mission was to develop Christian character in its students while giving thorough intellectual training. 现在, 作为一名四年级学生, 私人, 文理学院, 正规彩票十大网站排名的结构和名称已经改变, but our mission—to be a Christian community of learners that recognizes God as the source of all truth 和 wisdom—has remained.

正规彩票十大网站排名 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC). Many of our programs also hold additional accreditation 和/or approval from organizations specific to their field. 了解更多关于我们的认证.

Do 正规彩票十大网站排名 在线 faculty hold master's or doctoral degrees?

我们致力于学术诚信. 确保你所受教育的价值, all of our faculty members have either master's or doctorate degrees.


No. All of our diplomas state “正规彩票十大网站排名” with no distinction between traditional campus or online degree programs.